Hands up if you thought PMS was just something you HAD to deal with being a girl. That it’s just part of the territory….no which way around it.
Guess what you’re wrong!
So which symptoms would you just LOVE to get rid of?
Hi everyone! My name is Dionne and I am a fully qualified Kinesiologist and Naturopath. I have been raised with the use of natural medicine so have experienced its fantastic effects first hand. One of my biggest LOVES has always been food so by combining this love and my upbringing Naturopathy was definitely the degree for me. I also belive that our emotions underpin everything when it comes to our health so I teach a lot about emotional well-being. This blog is aimed at sharing some helpful facts about food and the way it can influence your health. It is also a way for me to share delicious but nutritious recipes as I discover them myself!