What are flower essences?
Flower essences are remedys made from flowers, which uniquely address emotional and mental aspects of wellness. Specific flowers are soaked in water in direct sunlight and the water is then used as a remedy. The first 38 flower remedies were formulated by a British physician, Dr. Edward Bach, in the 1930’s, although new remedies from other plant species are now available.
How do flower essences work?
Flower essences are energetic imprints of the life force of plants which interact with these subtle bodies of the human being, and evoke specific qualities within us. We can say that they work in a similar way to inspirational music or art, which carry meaning through the vehicle of sound or light, while the flower essences work through the medium of water.
They are very gentle yet effective and are safe to be taken by all including children, animals and pregnant women and do not interact with any medication.

Flower essences are one of my favourite tools to use in clinic. They are so gentle yet so effective. Many people don’t really understand what flower essences are so here is a brief description on their function.
What are flower essences?
As the name suggests, flower essences are particular remedies made from flowers. Essentially the flowers are soaked in water under sunlight for a length of time. During this process the energy of the flower is absorbed into the water and this water can then be used as a remedy. This liquid is then potentised and stabilized in a solution of brandy and water. Unlike herbal remedies and essential oils the plan is not disturbed in this process and the finished product does not contain any of the plant matter so they are safe for everyone to use, do not interact with any medication or cause allergy.
What are Flower Essences used for?
Flower essences are mainly used to balance the emotions. Each individual flower has a separate use and emotional condition it can help release. According to Ian White the founder of the Australian Bush Flower Essences ‘The effect of these Essences is similar to that of meditation in that they enable the person to access the wisdom of their Higher Self. This releases negative beliefs held in the subconscious mind and allows the positive virtues of the Higher Self – love, joy, faith, courage etc. to flood their being. When this happens the negative beliefs and thoughts are dissolved, balance is restored and true healing occurs.’
One particular flower essence you may be aware of is ‘Rescue Remedy’. This is one of the Bach Flower remedies and is readily available in pharmacies and health food stores. Rescue remedy is a combination of several essences with the aim to reduce stress, overwhelm, anxiety and panic. This is one remedy I suggest everyone has in their bag which can be accessed at any time when people begin to feel overwhelmed. Simply place 4 drops under the tongue when needed to return to a state of calm.
There are many branches of flower essences and within these branches there is an essence to match every emotion or life stage. Choosing the correct essence can often be quite an intuitive exercise as people are drawn to the flower that most resonates with them.
For any more information on flower essences or to discuss having an essence made for you contact:
Dionne Shalit BSC., BHSc. (Naturopathy)
0438 588 030
[email protected]
Hi everyone! My name is Dionne and I am a fully qualified Kinesiologist and Naturopath. I have been raised with the use of natural medicine so have experienced its fantastic effects first hand. One of my biggest LOVES has always been food so by combining this love and my upbringing Naturopathy was definitely the degree for me. I also belive that our emotions underpin everything when it comes to our health so I teach a lot about emotional well-being. This blog is aimed at sharing some helpful facts about food and the way it can influence your health. It is also a way for me to share delicious but nutritious recipes as I discover them myself!