Life is a curious thing.
We wake up each day
Eat breakfast
Brush our teeth
Go to work
Come home
Eat dinner
Watch TV
Go to bed
On repeat for 5 out of the 7 days of our week
On the weekend we run around doing chores and making sure everything is done before heading back to work on Monday
But do we ever stop to think
Think about what we are doing
If this is the only way
If we are actually happy
We complain a lot
About work
About people
About our situations
But do we ever stop to think
Think what we can do to change things
Do we truly want to change things?
Do you ever wonder-
How can I be more happy?
More fulfilled
More excited about life
The world is full of endless possibilities
It is full of beauty
Of magic
Of opportunities
And you are the creator of your destiny
You can choose to change whatever it is that is preventing you from finding happiness
It’s all a choice
Choose to consciously think about what you want in your life
Choose to listen to your souls desires
Choose to do things that make you happy and say goodbye to those that don’t
It may be a scary choice but its 100% yours
It can all start with something so small, so simple
Just acknowledging that you know you want more
You want to have more
Feel more
Experience more
A tinny shift in consciousness, which can result in a huge shift in the direction of your life
Do you want this for yourself?
I want it for you
I want it for me
And I know we ALL deserve it
Deserve to feel happy, fulfilled, excited and full of joy not just occasionally but the majority of the time.
And I also know it is possible for you
Over the last year I have been incorporating several tools in my life to shape it in the direction of my hearts desires. What I have learnt about myself has been extraordinary and what I now know is possible is mind blowing.
The first step is simple acknowledgement
Acknowledgement that things need to change, that things can change
That you want more for yourself in this life and that you deserve to be happy.
None of these tools are secrets. I talk about them all the time and have shared many already on this very page.
Sometimes the shifts come easier, more gently when you are in a supportive environment and that is why I will be running several soul transforming workshops this year.
February is all about JOY. It is about starting the year with some fun, creating intentions and a vision of where you want to go and how you want to feel.
It is about creating a subtle yet powerful shift to allow space for more joy to enter your life. To connect, share and release unwanted emotional baggage and then learn how to replace it with pure blissful joy, love and gratitude. Our most powerful and healing emotions.
It is your turn to shine. To sparkle. To smile.?
To live the life you choose for yourself and release that weight off your chest.
Feel free, feel light, feel positive. Feel joyful.
Come join me on my mission to create a society of happier and heart centred individuals who know there is more to life?
Dionne xx
Hi everyone! My name is Dionne and I am a fully qualified Kinesiologist and Naturopath. I have been raised with the use of natural medicine so have experienced its fantastic effects first hand. One of my biggest LOVES has always been food so by combining this love and my upbringing Naturopathy was definitely the degree for me. I also belive that our emotions underpin everything when it comes to our health so I teach a lot about emotional well-being. This blog is aimed at sharing some helpful facts about food and the way it can influence your health. It is also a way for me to share delicious but nutritious recipes as I discover them myself!